Roof Drip Edge Flashing

Roof drip edge flashing serves multiple functions on the building, the foremost is to assist water in leaving the roof edge with minimum damage to other building components by directing the water off of the roof and into the gutter.

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Roof Drip Edge Flashing

Roof drip edge flashing serves multiple functions on the building, the foremost is to assist water in leaving the roof edge with minimum damage to other building components by directing the water off of the roof and into the gutter. Without this detail water leaving the roof edge maybe run down building fascias and wall, sometimes even enter and damage the structure. The drip edge also gives us a nice straight edge with which to align roof shingles, slates or other roofing materials. Drip edge varies in dimensions but typically the flange that nails to the roof surface is about 2.5’’ wide and the vertical edge that directs roof runoff down and away is about 1.5’’ in depth. Length of drip vary. We can offer you any profile and length you need.

The sketch above illustrates the end-profile of roof drip edge flashing and shows its placement on the roof. Usually you can not see them as they are under the roof shingles and behind the roof gutter.

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